April 2022 - Monthly Update

Every spring, it’s like I come awake. Like my iris, punching skyward in bursts of glittery petals, it’s as if the long sleep has gone.

I’m fucking blossoming, ya’ll.

For me, it’s hard to talk about writing as only writing, the way it’d be impossible to talk about homesteading without little rants about the weather and the soil conditions. Everything’s inter-related. For me, spring is a magical time of year, stretching with long rays all the way through our warm season here in Texas. I’ll have until October, hell - maybe even November or December before the chill sets back in. The one that grays the days and fogs my mood.

But that’s not today. Today, I have words flowing easily onto the page like sap quickening in the oaks. I have energy that’s been underground for months. Today, I feel like the badass writer that I am. Do you ever feel that way? That some days just click on? Tasks that seemed so burdensome yesterday are exciting today?

Spring is here, is what I’m trying to say - and I am kicking fucking ass.

All socials have been updated and will be active again soon. Oath of a Viking has ARCs that are out and active - https://dl.bookfunnel.com/crrpfvpfqv. This link will work until a month or so after it’s published. (Gotta get them reviews haha0). That release date is coming soon! I’ve been working on a podcast (reviewing supernatural horror movies) and really, really, playing around with the idea of a new YouTube channel. MAYBE haha. There’s a lot of little steps to take to make this author journey go vroom, but the engines are revving.

Whether you’re a writer or a reader - no matter who you are, really - I’m sending you some of my good vibes! Because right now, I have more than enough to share - and what else would I do with them but spread them around??

Love everyone, tell the truth, and know that I believe in you!

Sasha KehoeComment